
Get the big picture

How much profit are you making? Are your assets growing faster than your liabilities? Is cash flowing, or getting stuck?

Profit & Loss (Income Statement)

Summary of your revenue and expenses that determine the profit you made.

Balance Sheet

Snapshot of what your business owns or is due to receive from others (assets), what it owes to others (liabilities), and what you've invested or retained in your company (equity).

Cash Flow

Cash coming in and going out of your business. Includes items not included in Profit & Loss such as repayment of loan principal and owner drawings (paying yourself).

Focus on Receivables

See which Facebook Page contribute most of your revenue, and keep on top of overdue balances

Aged Receivables

Unpaid and overdue invoices for the last 30, 60, and 90+ days.

Focus on Payables

Understand business spending, where you spend, and how much you owe to your vendors.

Aged Payables

Unpaid and overdue bills for the last 30, 60, and 90+ days.

Dig deeper

Drill into the detail of financial transactions over the life of your company.

Account Balances

Summary view of balances and activity for all accounts.

Trial Balance

Balance of all your accounts on a specified date.